c# - Windows Phone asynchronous call terminates -
i creating rest communication interface small windows phone application since can not call soap web services. interface simple , uses jsonconverter parse json responses.
code looks
public class communicate<requesttype,resposetype> resposetype:class requesttype :class { public async task< resposetype> communicatesvr(requesttype _parameter,string methodname,string serverip) { string reqdata = jsonconvert.serializeobject(_parameter); httprequestmessage request = new httprequestmessage(httpmethod.post, serverip+methodname); request.content = new stringcontent(reqdata, encoding.utf8, "application/json"); httpclient client = new httpclient(); client.defaultrequestheaders .accept.add(new mediatypewithqualityheadervalue("application/json")); httpresponsemessage response = await client.sendasync(request, httpcompletionoption.responseheadersread); if (response.statuscode == httpstatuscode.ok) return jsonconvert.deserializeobject<resposetype>(await response.content.readasstringasync()); else throw new exception("error connecting " + serverip+methodname+ " ! status: " + response.statuscode); } }
i facing big problem. when code reach
httpresponsemessage response = await client.sendasync(request,httpcompletionoption.responseheadersread);
the thread ends , terminates , application seems stop. still running not doing anything. set 2 breakpoints 1 after other , second never reached. don't what's wrong, have searched web lot did not found useful. in advance, waiting response
on output windows got following message:
the thread 0xdec has exited code 259 (0x103). thread 0x2180 has exited code 259 (0x103).
you're calling task.wait
or task<t>.result
further call stack, cause deadlock explain on blog. in case, ui thread deadlock (not exit).
the best fix change wait
or result
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