Regex search in list for numbers have 3 or more digit occures -

i have list of 6 digits number [0-9].


001601 001602 001610 145784 487457 894571 111299 121118  


001601 001602 001610 0 occurs 3 times 111299 1 occurs 3 times  121118 1 occurs 4 times  

here perl way it:

my $re = qr~(.).*\1.*\1~; while(<data>) {     chomp;     $_ =~ $re ? "ok : $_" : "ko : $_"; }  __data__ 001601 001602 001610 145784 487457 894571 111299 121118 


ok : 001601 ok : 001602 ok : 001610 ko : 145784 ko : 487457 ko : 894571 ok : 111299 ok : 121118 


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