shell - SAPUI5: Disable scrollbar for sap.ui.unified.ShellLayout -
i using sap.ui.unified.shelllayout toolbar @ top , sap.ui.core.componentcontainer underneath. content of component container exchanged on navigation while toolbar stays. unfortunately, whole shell (layout) has scrollbar although component container should have one.
how can disable scrolling shelllayout?
method init in view:; var = this; this.setheadervisible(false); // action bar this.otoolbar = new sap.m.toolbar({ transparent: true, content: [ new sap.m.toolbarspacer(), new sap.m.text({ text: "elektronischer einkaufszettel" }), new sap.m.toolbarspacer() ], height: "3rem" }); this.addcontent(this.otoolbar); this.ocomponentcontainer = new sap.ui.core.componentcontainer({ name: 'router', enablescrolling: true }); this.addcontent(this.ocomponentcontainer); this.oflexbox = new sap.m.flexbox({ alignitems: "start", items: [ new sap.m.button({ width: "100%", type: "transparent", icon: "sap-icon://product", class: "sapuismallmarginend", layoutdata: new sap.m.flexitemdata({ growfactor: 1 }), press: function(oevent) { var starget = "products"; that.onbuttonclick(oevent, that, starget); } }), new sap.m.button({ width: "100%", type: "emphasized", icon: "sap-icon://cart", class: "sapuismallmarginend", layoutdata: new sap.m.flexitemdata({ growfactor: 1 }), press: [that, "shoppermenu", that.onbuttonclick] }), new sap.m.button({ width: "100%", type: "transparent", icon: "sap-icon://list", class: "sapuismallmarginend", layoutdata: new sap.m.flexitemdata({ growfactor: 1 }), press: [that, "requestermenu", that.onbuttonclick] }) ] }); this.addcontent(this.oflexbox);
i found solution in using sap.ui.layout.fixflex control.
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