angularjs - Angular on a svg - $sce.trustAsHtml inside svg does not work in safari and ie -
i new angular , svg , can't seem past problem. i using $sce.trustashtml on <g> element. code works fine in chrome , firefox reason fails in appending variable in safari , ie11. ideas why? p.s. have find way link content <g> because svg has dynamic content ng-repeat (that part woks fine) in html: <svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" version="1.1" x="0px"y="0px" width="800px" height="800px" viewbox="0 0 800 800" enable-background="new 0 0 800 800" xml:space="preserve"><g ng-bind-html="svg"></g>.... other dynamic content...</svg> in js $scope.svg = $sce.trustashtml('<path fill="#f5f5f5" d="m153.065,320.752l-43.868,14.321c28.69,86.341,107.159,149.954,201.385,156.805l3.875-42.49 c238.671,442.564,175.884,390.696,153.065,320.752z"></path> ...